Chemical Drums Disposal
PROJECT: Regulatory Disposal of Waste Chemicals

CLIENT: Factory Owner, East Midlands.
DURATION: Four weeks.
COST RANGE: Less than £5,000
STATUS: Completed and validated
- Analysis of drum contents to identify chemicals.
- Examination of containers to ensure that they could be transported safely.
- Identify location of approved waste facility.
- Containers transported to approved waste facility.
- Paperwork provided to relevant parties for inspection by regulatory authorities.
The factory owner had inherited a number of containers, ranging from large metal drums to small plastic buckets, which had been abandoned by the previous occupier following closure of the parent company. TRM provided advice on the regulatory disposal of the containers.
The contents of each container were analysed to determine their chemical and physical properties, which in turn allowed their respective waste classification and subsequent removal to approved waste facility.
Following an inspection of the structural integrity of each container, the containers were transported safely to a waste management facility under the TRM Waste Carrier Licence and regulatory Hazardous Waste Consignment Note provided.
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