Permit Surrender
PROJECT: Achieving Surrender of an Environmental Permit
CLIENT: Manufacturing Facility, West Midlands
DURATION: Three Months
COST RANGE: Up to £15,000
STATUS: Successfully Completed
- Site reporting with intrusive works to achieve license surrender.
- Liaison with the regulatory authorities regarding specific requirements.
- Undertaking of site reconnaissance and photographic records to design and refine the works.
- Undertaking of site invesigation works to produce a Site Condition Report.
TRM assisted in achieving surrender of an environmental permit at a former manufacturing facility.
A preliminary site visit led to reconnaissance works and construction of a photographic record of the premises.
This in turn led to site investigation works, comprising of soils logging to British Standards; groundwater monitoring/sampling, and soil sampling and analysis to produce a profile across the site of any potential contamination.
Industry-specific analysis was undertaken to assess the effects of historic manufacturing operations.
Comparisons with previous IPPC application Phase 1B report yielded a list of recommendations for further action, without the requirements for extensive remedial works. The actions were critical to achieving the aim of environmental permit surrender.
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